Kevin Cody is a photographer and writer who prides himself on his creativity and storytelling ability. Cody holds two bachelor's degrees, one from the University of Utah in Journalism and Photography (2022) and the other from Oklahoma State University in Natural Resource Ecology and Management with an option in Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology (2013).
Cody’s path has been a winding one full of twists and turns. Originally from Texas, it was family scuba diving and camping trips that placed the spark of feeling at home in nature. That enjoyment led him to Oklahoma State University and eventually the University of Utah after falling in love with photography. Combining his scientific understanding, creative storytelling through various mediums, and experience teaching scuba diving and skiing makes him unique. All three are separate skill sets in themselves, but for Cody, the combination is what makes him who he is.
Cody has numerous publications under his belt as both a writer, photographer, and videographer for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, TownLift News, Wasatch Magazine, and The Daily Utah Chronicle. His work is also heavily used by the Public Lands Division of Salt Lake City.
The Daily Utah Chronicle
Wasatch Magazine
Photographer and Writer
TownLift News
Journalist and Phtographer
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Public Affairs Specialist and Digital Media Specialist